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Advice for teachers

In 2022, early learning services, schools, kura, and wharekura need plans in place to continue teaching and learning in the event of significant staff and student absences, and if you need to provide both distance learning and onsite teaching. 

In this event, principals/leaders will inform their teachers about:

  • the plans for learning to continue
  • what resources tamariki will be provided with and how they’ll be distributed
  • keeping in contact with tamariki
  • communicating with parents/whānau/caregivers about how their tamariki will learn from home and what they can to do to help.

Information and guidance for schools, kura and wharekura during a COVID-19 resurgence is on the Ministry of Education's website.

Ministry of Education – Advice for Schools/Kura

Distance learning checklist

A key part to distance learning is planning how teaching and learning can continue in the event where schools/kura/wharekura need to close or where a school needs to provide distance learning. To support this, we have developed a checklist to help you assess your distance learning readiness. The aim is for everyone to be ready so teaching and learning can continue seamlessly. The second page gives an idea of resources available to support distance learning.

Distance learning checklist

Learning from home

Getting ready - teachers | kaiako
